About meteocontrol
meteocontrol is one of the world’s leading developers and providers of monitoring systems for photovoltaic power plants and solar parks. We support PV system operations through precise system monitoring, direct remote control and
feed-in management to ensure optimized yield and returns. In addition, meteocontrol offers quality assurance and independent consulting for PV projects.
Worldwide and from the very beginning.
Everything from a single source
We provide complete solutions for monitoring and controlling solar systems anywhere in the world. Our portfolio is rounded off by solar power forecasts and reports.
Consultancy and services
We plan the monitoring of your photovoltaic system and commission it for you. We provide support and advice during every phase of your project.
Innovation and development
We offer high-quality, flexible and innovative solutions – thanks to our wealth of experience, our expertise and our professional in-house development activities.
Only those who actively shape the future and pursue new ideas can change the world. This is our belief. Our goal is to supply the world with sustainable, clean energy. We offer our customers solutions which meet all their requirements. Thanks to our expertise, our wealth of experience and our innovation, they achieve the best possible results, both environmentally and economically. Made in Germany

Foundation of the ist company as an engineering office for solar technology in Kandern-Wollbach, Germany
ist EnergieTechnik GmbH set up in Kandern-Wollbach, Germany
Opening of the meteocontrol headquarters in Augsburg, Germany
Outsourcing of the ist EnergieCom GmbH, Augsburg, Germany
Renaming of the ist EnergieCom GmbH as meteocontrol GmbH as a joint venture by S.A.G. Solarstrom AG, Freiburg (75%) and Swiss JKP Holding AG (25%)
"Innovation Award 2002" won for the "safer’Sun" and "Web'LOG" remote monitoring systems at the 17th Photovoltaic Solar Energy Symposium
100% acquisition of meteocontrol GmbH by S.A.G. Solarstrom AG, Freiburg, Germany
Opening of the meteocontrol office in Madrid, Spain
Acquisition of the development and production site in Moers, Germany
ISO certification in acc with DIN EN ISO 9001 (Quality Management)
Successful participation in the "audit berufundfamilie" of the non-profit Hertie foundation
meteocontrol North America, San Francisco, California set up by S.A.G. Solarstrom AG
"Innovation Award 2010" won for the new "Web'LOG COMFORT" remote monitoring system at the 25th Photovoltaic Solar Energy Symposium
Opening of the meteocontrol office in Milan, Italy
Opening of the meteocontrol office in Lyon, France
Akkreditierung des Ratingverfahrens von meteocontrol zur Bewertung von Photovoltaikanlagen aller Art
Acquistion of meteocontrol GmbH by Shunfeng International Clean Energy Ltd.
Set up of meteocontrol China, Shanghai
Set up of Raising Power GmbH, Augsburg
Set up of Joint Venture meteocontrol Japan Corporation
Set up of Joint Venture meteocontrol Chile SpA
Set up of Joint Venture meteocontrol Central America S.A. de C.V.
20 years of "meteocontrol GmbH" - more than 40 years of experience